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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises_in_2005 > Sunrise on June 4 2005.jpg
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Sunrise on June 4 2005.jpg

A quick Java walk prior to heading into the hospital.

Nikon D70
1/1250s f/7.1 at 70.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
comment | share 18-Sep-2005 12:06
Surreal. Molly
Guest 14-Jun-2005 13:04
This is great - so dramatic! It's stunning that you've got detail in the water as well as the silhouette of the building and trees. I'm going to have to drag myself out of bed early one day if this is what sunrise looks like!
JW11-Jun-2005 11:49
Wonderful sky, silhouette and foreground
Steven Jusczyk05-Jun-2005 07:00
One of your best that I've seen. Wonderful.
JeremyGood05-Jun-2005 02:20
Pbase is giving me problems and I can't see this picture, not even the thumbnail now, but when I did see the thumb previously, it looked SPECTACULAR.
Guest 05-Jun-2005 00:04
Oooooh! I like this!
jude04-Jun-2005 23:51
Wow on that sky..
Guest 04-Jun-2005 23:39
Ron S. Bernardo04-Jun-2005 23:13
great shot!
beverley harrison04-Jun-2005 22:54
beautiful colours!
northstar3704-Jun-2005 22:44
lovely one
Josy's Pics04-Jun-2005 22:35
Beautiful sunset!
Jackdad04-Jun-2005 22:32
i like the almost-silhouette effect in this against that early morning sky.