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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> Potential Picture of the Day > Industrial April 11 2005 revised p.jpg
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Industrial April 11 2005 revised p.jpg

Nikon Coolpix 7900
1/415s f/8.2 at 32.7mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 03-Dec-2005 13:23
This is gorgeous! The best industrial theme picture ever!
Not so late to my vote, right?!
Molly 18-Sep-2005 23:16
Very dramatic. Amazing light and clouds.
Lazy 3L Photography14-Apr-2005 02:56
Yes, I agree....this crop really makes the image an outstanding shot!
Guest 13-Apr-2005 18:53
Very beatiful
Guest 13-Apr-2005 05:02
this one is excellent !
Guest 12-Apr-2005 06:05
Joan, this one ROCKS!!!!!!!!! VOTEE!