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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > pbase Gently she sleeps January 8 2012_.jpg
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pbase Gently she sleeps January 8 2012_.jpg

Who knows why she sleeps this way?

Leica X1
1/30s f/4.0 at 24.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Laryl29-Jan-2012 19:14
lol how cute
frannie Hanna 23-Jan-2012 23:37
awww shes adorable, arn't you gabby? :)
Jackdad22-Jan-2012 20:33
that can't be comfortable!
vj400020-Jan-2012 01:10
great shot !
Johnny JAG14-Jan-2012 22:23
LOL, that's so cute
laine11-Jan-2012 18:20
Makes me smile...would love to be that pliable :))
Karen Stuebing09-Jan-2012 23:06
She's a yoga master. This is so cute. I love the totally relaxed posture including the slack jaw.
John Vass09-Jan-2012 07:18
Sheila09-Jan-2012 04:33
Because she knows how to relax totally!
Faye White09-Jan-2012 02:21
Made me lol!
Coleen Perilloux Landry09-Jan-2012 02:11
Wish I could!
Guest 09-Jan-2012 01:20
Too cute!!!
Carl Carbone09-Jan-2012 01:03
Love it!