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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > pbase Cuddling into New Year January 1 2012_.jpg
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pbase Cuddling into New Year January 1 2012_.jpg

Year 8 - working on a grant, 45 days to VACATION!

Java loves to cuddle - Gabi, let him cuddle with her today while I was writing.

Leica X1
1/15s f/5.0 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad02-Jan-2012 17:51
They may look sleepy but they'll be up in a flash for their bed-time b*scuit no doubt!
laine02-Jan-2012 09:45
Don't think they made midnight ;0) Happy New Year to all of you!!
Johnny JAG02-Jan-2012 08:59
Very cute indeed.
Sheila02-Jan-2012 08:13
Sweet shot Joan.
Coleen Perilloux Landry02-Jan-2012 00:30
Awwwww. Gabi's coat is so rich.
Karen Stuebing01-Jan-2012 22:56
It's a two dog day. :) Sweet photo of these two together. Love the white and black together.
Guest 01-Jan-2012 22:00
Very sweet! V.
Mairéad01-Jan-2012 21:50
This is sweet and it can't be easy to photograph a black and yellow lab side by side. Happy New Year.