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December 30 2005_filtered.jpg

Working on a grant and Java is litterally hanging out --

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December 30 2005

Leica D-Lux 2
1/8s f/3.6 at 10.0mm iso200 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time30-Dec-2005 10:30:24
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length10 mm
Exposure Time1/8 sec
ISO Equivalent200
Exposure Bias-0.66
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Terri Steele23-Nov-2006 14:13
Simply wonderful! What a sweety.
JW15-Aug-2006 06:53
Too funny. Java looks very cool on the red leather!
De'Carr Studio27-Jun-2006 21:29
These are really precious!! Excellent capture
Jackdad27-Mar-2006 22:19
back for another look at these shots - so very funny. :-)
Atle Larsen12-Mar-2006 20:08
These pictures are just great. And the red chair gives perfect contrast to your lovely lab.
Dominic Kite06-Mar-2006 00:17
LOL, that is very sweet!
cat bounds21-Jan-2006 20:23
This should be on a Valentine card! Seriously cute :)
Guest 01-Jan-2006 05:03
Fantastic colors and I love how he's clinging on to his baby.
Mindy McNaugher31-Dec-2005 03:18
What a beautiful Lab!!! Such great shots!
Bryan Murahashi31-Dec-2005 00:38
Awww, cute shots and pup.
Jackdad30-Dec-2005 23:05
The wife and I love your dog. He is just soooo funny with those soft toys.
Guest 30-Dec-2005 23:00
Soooo sweet!
Guest 30-Dec-2005 22:04
Excellent! Love the top shot in particular. Absurdly cute!
Renee Lockett30-Dec-2005 22:04
Beautiful photos. The colors and textures are a wonderful mixture. :)
Sharon Rogers30-Dec-2005 19:57
Love them all.. he's very good though, mine would have toys like that apart in minutes!
Pic Chick30-Dec-2005 18:29
"Mom, stop working - let's PLAY!!!"

Beautiful shots! Java on that red couch makes for perfect contrast. Obviously, new Christmas toys are a big hit!
Pat Hemlepp30-Dec-2005 18:20
Excellent series.
Linda Alstead30-Dec-2005 17:39
aaahhhhh - these are soooo cute - is that a Christmas pressie? (The toy that is!)
Herb 30-Dec-2005 17:20
Nice shot
Johnny JAG30-Dec-2005 16:54
Inseperable? Very cute.
Guest 30-Dec-2005 16:39
Striking cuddly and cute image!!!! Great colour!!!
Graham Tomlin30-Dec-2005 16:32
lovelypicture regards Helen
Guest 30-Dec-2005 16:12
omg - waaaay too cute!