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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> Xmas on the bay > pbase Xmas tree on December 19 2005 at Sunrise.jpg
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pbase Xmas tree on December 19 2005 at Sunrise.jpg

Sunrise from the upper end of Mathewson Road.

82 days to spring!
3 days to VACATION
12 days to 2006

Sorry, I really looking forward to 5 days off!

Favorite picture of the week 52

Leica D-Lux 2
1/320s f/4.5 at 19.2mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time19-Dec-2005 07:21:08
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length19.2 mm
Exposure Time1/320 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias0.66
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 24-Dec-2005 03:06
So well captured!!
steve mcsweeny23-Dec-2005 00:10
WOW! Only you could do this;). Vote!
JW21-Dec-2005 19:56
Joan this is stunning. I hope all that well earned rest and relaxation doesn't dull your creativity! No doubt. you're prepared to risk that LOL
Guest 21-Dec-2005 03:45
Wow, great shot, Joan. Love the Christmas tree.
Karen Stuebing20-Dec-2005 11:51
I agree. This should be your Xmas card. Kind of late now though. Maybe next year. Keep counting down those days til spring. :)
Karen Leaf20-Dec-2005 04:38
Love it!
The best (or worst that they are like that) is the shrink wrapped boats.
gmv, 2
Bryan Murahashi20-Dec-2005 04:31
Great shot of the sunrise with the Christmas tree.
Guest 20-Dec-2005 03:37
grafix7220-Dec-2005 03:17
Beautiful sunrise
Gayle P. Clement20-Dec-2005 02:56
Awesome sunrise and I love that Christmas tree. It has my vote!
Douglas Stucky20-Dec-2005 02:19
Absolutely beautiful! vote
Pic Chick20-Dec-2005 01:48
This is phenomenal! Christmas card material Joan! GMV!!
Sheila20-Dec-2005 01:34
Fantastic sunrise! Incongruous tree :-)
I was up at 4am today and our sunrise was weak/watery :-(
Guest 20-Dec-2005 01:00
The Gremlin is still with us- you can't see the vote or add commen except when you logged in.